The three-year Degree Course in Materials Science aims to ensure the student acquires basic knowledge on chemical and physical properties of materials, experimental skills for their characterization, technical and professional skills for their use in devices application.
The MS courses aim to develop:
an in-depth basic knowledge of chemistry and physics, in their experimental and theoretical aspects;
the understanding and use of the appropriate mathematical tools and an adequate knowledge of IT tools for the management of data and results;
a solid working methodology and an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving;
competenze specifiche di laboratorio, attraverso una pluralità di tecniche nei campi dell’analisi, della caratterizzazione e della sintesi di materiali;
specific laboratory skills, through a variety of techniques in the fields of analysis, -characterization and synthesis of materials;
scientific communication skills and coordinated work in groups.
The training process of the Degree Course is implemented through:
mandatory attendance at numerous laboratory courses;
basic teachings in Chemistry and Physics (present in balanced quantities and accompanied by Mathematics teachings) particularly aimed at solving problems;
specific materials science lessons through which students integrate the two different approaches (chemical and physical), both addressed to the study of materials;
final stage at companies or research bodies (public or private) operating in the materials sector and who have signed specific educational collaboration agreements with this Degree Course.